Wednesday, 2 May 2012

A Fly on the Ward

So finally, after many years of thinking about it, finding excuses or simply forgetting how to write, I have just published my first book! OK, so I know I’ve only published on Amazon’s Kindle thingy but at least I’ve published the thing.
It was quite easy to do, not the writing, the publishing I mean. I dutifully followed all the instructions, watched the `How to’ video and read through most of the advice bits. In fact I followed them too closely because my book has been published without a title! The instructions stated that I should send a jpeg image for the front cover but no mention was made about the title or, more importantly, my name! I assumed as the instruction was for jpeg images alone, they would fill in title and authors name. Wrong! So now I have to wait until the 12 hour publishing review is up, . . . . in 24 hours and correct the front page. Ah well!

The book is a record of some humorous, strange, heart warming and odd events and occurrences I have witnessed while being frequently incarcerated in one of today’s modern, marvellous, medicinal motels of medicine, commonly or laughingly otherwise known as a hospital.
I have recounted, with the odd embellishment, stories tall and short that happened in my long history of a medical victim and from a patient’s point of view. Namely mine!
There are thousands of books available written by doctors and making humour from their experiences with patients. I have even read one or two of these books and some are a good read indeed, some are not!

I have published via Amazon because alas I am no fourteen year old pop star writing a biography, nor and I a famous footballer listing my achievements, on and off the pitch! I am not an infamous politician regaling everyone within hearing distance about my life in Parliament and I am certainly not a film star either!
So getting a book published would be easier than finding a pile of rocking horse manure on my front lawn! Yes it would be easier if I took the road of self publishing, paying all the publishing costs, printing and distribution. But sadly I am not Richard Branson or Alan Sugar, though in truth both are famous enough for publishers to fall over in their haste to publish a book by either.
Nope I’m just a Joe Nobody so getting a book published would be difficult or very expensive, so I chose the self publishing option offered by Amazon. I hope it works!

Dunno if links show on this bloggy thing, but here goes with the link to my book. Please buy it so I can afford the paper and ink to write a second one.

Oh by the way, the book is called; A Fly on the Ward and can be downloaded for a minuscule fee to your Kindle, computer, IPod etc. Enjoy.

Water in a river changes constantly.

Water in a river changes constantly.