If you have read my blogs, which I admit not many people do, you will have gained the impression that I have not been 100% fit over the last 10 years or so. In truth my health has been absolute rubbish! But as I lay there in my pit, I realised that all of we sick people rely on a loved one such as wife, husband, partner or mistress and I wondered how they must feel as they watch us suffering from day to day.
So I wrote this little ditty and posted it around where it might just get read. It did and many appeared to like it, so here it is.
Thank you.
We are so often ill, our breath coming in gasps,
We fear for ourselves, plead for mercy,
Those breaths we take fight us with wheeze and rasp,
Our plight is hard; our mood is hard and bitchy.
But wait a moment; pause a minute, look around, do you see?
Those that love us, care for us, nurse us and stay by our
Those loved ones, siblings, partners or spouse, standing
Holding our hand, mopping a brow, hiding how they cried.
So while we suffer, puff and pant, do not grumble, do not
There is strength beside us, a hand to support, an ear to
Our loved ones who watch us suffer without showing a tear,
Our life is hard, full of despair, but do we see the eye
that glistens?
My wife is my rock, my oxygen mask, my faithful nurse,
I am lucky, I’m not alone, I have someone who cares,
Suffer we do, often it’s true, but don’t moan, don’t curse,
One of us is ill but both feel the pain, the suffering we
Friend or family, brother or son, husband or wife,
We all must remember those who hide their tear, hide their
They sacrifice their hearts, to accompany us in our plight,
So keep in your hearts a smile, for those who love us, with
nothing to gain.
©Michael K Chapman 2014.