Tuesday, 11 April 2017

I apologise. A strange object in the sky that some people describe as the Sun, has been responsible for me being dragged kicking and screaming away from my desk and out into the great unknown - my garden!
Therefore little has been done in the way of writing, however I have managed some promotion. I have not checked my sales to see if it has made any difference but I'm hopeful.
I have been looking into approaching some publishers though I must admit to procrastinating somewhat. No one likes rejection and I'm no different, and the thought of receiving all those rejection letters is not something I look forward to. But I promise, I will do it soon, honest.
I have a synopsis, an 108,000 word novel squeezed down into just two A4 pages. A feat in itself. So I will begin the process of rejection soon, I'm ready if not willing.
In other news, my very first publication, A Fly on the Ward, is still selling nicely but if anyone should feel the need to purchase my new novel, Animan, I would be grateful.
Thank you.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Dear father, I confess it has been a while since my last confession . . .

So I've been busy. Family matters and all related family issues have taken me away from writing over the last week or so. However, today I have received special permission to spend time working. Promotion has been the main order of the day, I've been advertising my wares across the nation via social media, not sure if it will be productive but one must try. It's the same as writing these blogs, I'm sure no one actually reads them.

I have asked my talented proofreader person to come up with a synopsis of my book, Animan, so I can begin the begging process of obtaining a publisher or literary agent. I'm useless at that sort of thing. On a more cheerful note, I've finally come up with an idea for Animan lll. I wasn't sure if I wanted to write another book, but when the idea hit me, I found I couldn't resist. Perhaps if I concentrate on one genre instead of roaming across subjects like a vagabond, I'll eventually sell more books. Who knows? Perhaps the world really is flat.
Till next time.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

So, apart from writing, breathing, whining and writing, I also have a passion for motorcycles, vintage ones to be precise. No writing done over the last few days because I've been searching down spares for my 1958 BSA C12 bike. I enjoy it so any guilt about not writing is quickly forgotten.

I used to be a musician, teaching and gigging with groups, duets and very often solo. Any spare moment of every day I would pick up my guitar, mandolin or ukulele and play. Sadly now I seldom pick up an instrument as I no longer teach and I no longer gig. I miss it.

But my motorcycles keep me mechanically sane, can't speak for the rest of the time. Nonetheless, writing will resume in a short while. I am still publicising my first science fiction book, Animan, but work on Animan ll has stalled somewhat. If more of you would buy my books, I would certainly have the incentive to write more, or are you trying to tell me some thing?

Anyway, if you are amused or confused by my inane drivel, how about adding your name to my list of followers please? Go on, it won't hurt, I promise.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Finally! I've finally had a review for my book, Animan. It's quite a good review so I'll paste it in here, and no, I didn't write it myself. Here tis.

"I very much enjoyed this book! The author's description of being a stranger in a strange land kept me riveted to the end. The world in which the story was set had some intriguing cultural properties, and some science lessons were thrown in to add a unique twist to the narrative."

Good ain't it? I have had two good reviews on Goodreads but I've no idea what they said, just saw the 4 stars. So maybe the book is now moving? Maybe? Possibly? Sort of? I have no idea, we'll just have to wait, pray and see. 

Not written much recently, on here or on 2nd novel. Been a tad busy with sick and poorly grandchildren. I do mean to blog more but, you know, life gets in the way. 
On another point, although I'm in the process of editing Animan ll, I haven't actually written the end yet. I like to wait until I've read it, edited it, read it and edited it some more before adding the closing curtain. I find I know my characters inside out by that time and know which route they would most likely take. I know it sounds strange but to a writer, his/her characters become real people with their own traits, strengths and weaknesses. The ending of a book should reflect this. Least that's what I think, though . . . I could be wrong.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

So today I began the long, long process of trying to obtain a literary agent or publisher. I've been very busy making a list and checking it twice, listing literary agents in the UK. I've contacted my proof reader for a brief synopsis coz I haven't a clue how to shorten the gist of my books down to one or two pages. The stories fit inside whole books fer Christ's sake! How the hell am I going to condense that lot into one or two pages? Buggered if I know.

I'm dipping my toe into the world of publishers and very secretive agents because I'm fed up with self-publishing. My new book, Animan, is a great book. I've even amazed myself when rereading it over and over again for editing. So far sales are slow, very slow, in fact they've stopped entirely and that defeats the object somewhat. Self publishing is good for those who only write because they feel they have something to say.  However, self publishing means one can only sell via Amazon, meaning one misses out on much publicity and the honorable status of having books on bookshelves in such illustrious venues as Asda and Tesco.

I've enjoyed the freedom of self publishing but now need a bigger audience and a bigger market. I'll get down on bended knees and grovel to all those mighty book publishers and literary agents in the hope of gaining succor from their hands. I don't hold out much hope, many people don't believe in God because they've never seen Him. Well let me tell you, you have more chance of seeing God than being accepted by an almighty being of the publishing industry.

So pray for me kind reader, help me on my way to the mysterious accolade of a bookshelf author.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Well I've learnt something new this week. I know I should have known, but I didn't. I have discovered it is pure agony attempting to promote my latest book, Animan, with a painful bad back! Ouch!
On a good note, I just scanned Goodreads for my book and lo and behold, there it was. And it already has two good ratings. So while my back screams in protest, my soul is lifted somewhat.

I don't know if anyone actually reads these blogs but I write anyway. Oh the is one other thing I've noticed while trying to find a less painful seating position with a bad back. I noted my language has become a tad more colourful, least that's the politest way I can think of describing it. I am using words I've not thought of for years! Need I identify these words for you? No, I didn't think so.

So I soldier on, advertising my books as best I can while looking in trepidation at the piles of editing I still have to do before publishing Animan ll. If I ever find a comfortable position, I'll get to it, I promise, honest.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Well it seems I remain undecided about my future as a writer. Although I love to write and it helps keep me off the streets, I still require some form of reward for my work. My very first book entitled: A Fly on the Ward is still selling some years after publishing. Sadly the same cannot be said for the others.
My latest book is a science fiction novel concerning a college lecturer who awakes in a different world or dimension, in a different time zone and, in a different body. So different in fact, he is no longer human!
The story tells how our hero survives in a land where humans did not evolve from apes, instead the four top predators evolved. The lion, the tiger, wolf and the bear. Other creatures have evolved to in turn take their place, creatures that have no become even more deadly!
I won't go on else I'll give the whole tale away, just let's say it's very different from what I have written so far. If you read back through my blogs, you'll find all my books. Have a peek, there may be something there of interest to you.
I know self publishing is hard, but it's harder still to get a publisher or literary agent these days. There will be a sequel to Animan, Animan ll - obviously. I didn't release the first Animan until I had written Animan ll. This was to avoid the long stretch of time between books being published. I don't know about you but if there is too much time between reading the first book and the second, I've forgotten was the first one was about! Or is that just me?

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Why write?

Ok, many fellow authors tell me they write for the love of writing, the passion and the desire to put their own words down on paper. I suppose it's the same as an actor, always wanting to be on stage, but is this true? If one writes a book that no one reads, is it really a book? Or is it simply a waste of time?
Personally I write for gain, I'm being honest, I write books to sell books. I don't seek fame in todays conception of the word, but I would like my writing to be recognised and more important, paid for. I realise this may not be the ideal of an author, picking up quill, pen, typewriter or personal computer, but it is fact. It is a fact for me and if truth be known, it is a fact for all writers.

My latest book is not selling much as yet, but it's barely a month old so that's understandable. My very 1st book, A Fly on the Ward is still selling nicely, obviously I did something right there. But why do I continue to write? In truth I have no idea. Health limits me to what I can and cannot do and writing seemed a possible avenue of funding in order to 'keep the wolf from the door.' Perhaps a gun might be a better idea? For the wolf of course, not me, said Little Red from the Hood.

The book market is swamped these days, anybody and anyone can and will write a book and through the modern ability to self publish, many new authors spring up every day. So why do I write? Any answers yet?
Maybe I don't sell many books simply because I'm rubbish at putting stories on paper? Maybe my eclectic range of books puts people off? I have written humorous short stories, one academic book, two children's books and now I'm editing the second of my science fiction novels. Maybe I should have stuck to funny hospital stories, people certainly appear to like anything related to hospitals? The answer is, I don't know. I decided Animan ll would be my last book, but will it? Ideas abound in the empty space of my mind every moment of the day, surely there's something there worth writing about?
I admit to have enjoyed the purpose writing gave to my life. I am restricted in what I can do and spend a lot of time home on my own with only me for company. Perhaps writing keeps me sane? Perhaps not. What would I do if I didn't write? Probably become addicted to day time television.
Lord forbid!

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Sorry, I'm not the world's best blogger so my blogs are random and infrequent. But now I feel I have something to say.
When publishing my books I use two formats, one being digital and of course the other is paper. Until now I have always used a firm called Creatspace, which is an independent arm of the mighty Amazon. Creatspace off a 'pay as you go' type of service,  print on demand. The author gets royalties but Creatspace get the bulk of any profits from sales. That in itself is fine, but now the prices are rocketing.
My latest book, Animan, is a science fiction V's science fantasy book, a totally new direction for me, as I usually write humour. I duly uploaded my script to Kindle as usual, before tackling the book set up on Creatspace. All went fine, I'm an old hand after publishing seven books, until the pricing section arrived.
One can buy a paperback novel in most shops for around five pounds. That price is reasonable and accepted. However, Creatspace put such a high price on the book that even with my royalty of 0.50p the price of the book was near nine pounds!
I understand everyone needs to make a profit but I'm sure Creatspace will soon be out of business as authors cannot sell their books at the prices set buy Creatspace. Animan ll is in the editing stage but may be published in digital only.
I would like to get a publisher but unless one is a seventeen year old pop star writing an autobiography, or a disgraced politician or a footballer, publishers are not interested. JK Rowlings was turned down by many, many publishers so it happens to us all. One wonders how those publishers who refused her feel now?
So I'm sorry if you prefer the printed paper versions of books, but finance denies my own efforts to get my books in print.
Thank you for reading my moans.

Water in a river changes constantly.

Water in a river changes constantly.