Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Well it seems I remain undecided about my future as a writer. Although I love to write and it helps keep me off the streets, I still require some form of reward for my work. My very first book entitled: A Fly on the Ward is still selling some years after publishing. Sadly the same cannot be said for the others.
My latest book is a science fiction novel concerning a college lecturer who awakes in a different world or dimension, in a different time zone and, in a different body. So different in fact, he is no longer human!
The story tells how our hero survives in a land where humans did not evolve from apes, instead the four top predators evolved. The lion, the tiger, wolf and the bear. Other creatures have evolved to in turn take their place, creatures that have no become even more deadly!
I won't go on else I'll give the whole tale away, just let's say it's very different from what I have written so far. If you read back through my blogs, you'll find all my books. Have a peek, there may be something there of interest to you.
I know self publishing is hard, but it's harder still to get a publisher or literary agent these days. There will be a sequel to Animan, Animan ll - obviously. I didn't release the first Animan until I had written Animan ll. This was to avoid the long stretch of time between books being published. I don't know about you but if there is too much time between reading the first book and the second, I've forgotten was the first one was about! Or is that just me?

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I have only described and discussed things I observe and thoughts that occur as I see them, I mean no offence but welcome other points of view or opinions.
If you like what I've rambled about, great! If not, please keep your comments polite.

Water in a river changes constantly.

Water in a river changes constantly.