Monday 19 March 2012

Funny old day

Well it’s been a funny old day, not being able to catch myself coming or going! Way too many little jobs to do that outweigh those even bigger chores that are lying in wait for when I least expect them.

When my life is too busy to be realistic, my mind wanders into the realms of `What if?’ What if there is no afterlife? What if I have chosen the wrong religion? What if there is no meaning to life. Is life just a random set of occurrences?
My whirling brain spreads its wings into other areas of confusion as I delve into the deepest pits of my subconscious and being examining my place on this ball of dirt, my footprint in the sand. A famous person who I cannot recall once stated that we live on until the last person to remember us dies, and then we are dust, in physical state and memory.

Yes I know this is a really depressing blog, I did not intend it to be such as I am only recounting some of my muddled minds journey. All of us suffer random and irrational thoughts during those quiet moments or those extremely busy periods of our day. Apart from the question of existence, other huge topics clamber for space in our melting pot of thoughts, but that’s for another day.

Today mine have been depressing, but I’m not depressed, today my thoughts have centred on religion, but I already have my own conclusions on that subject. Today I have wondered about the afterlife but that is a question without answer for those who live, and I’m in no hurry to discover the answers!
So live long, live healthy but never forget there is only one certainty in life . . .

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I have only described and discussed things I observe and thoughts that occur as I see them, I mean no offence but welcome other points of view or opinions.
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Water in a river changes constantly.

Water in a river changes constantly.