Monday 27 March 2017

Finally! I've finally had a review for my book, Animan. It's quite a good review so I'll paste it in here, and no, I didn't write it myself. Here tis.

"I very much enjoyed this book! The author's description of being a stranger in a strange land kept me riveted to the end. The world in which the story was set had some intriguing cultural properties, and some science lessons were thrown in to add a unique twist to the narrative."

Good ain't it? I have had two good reviews on Goodreads but I've no idea what they said, just saw the 4 stars. So maybe the book is now moving? Maybe? Possibly? Sort of? I have no idea, we'll just have to wait, pray and see. 

Not written much recently, on here or on 2nd novel. Been a tad busy with sick and poorly grandchildren. I do mean to blog more but, you know, life gets in the way. 
On another point, although I'm in the process of editing Animan ll, I haven't actually written the end yet. I like to wait until I've read it, edited it, read it and edited it some more before adding the closing curtain. I find I know my characters inside out by that time and know which route they would most likely take. I know it sounds strange but to a writer, his/her characters become real people with their own traits, strengths and weaknesses. The ending of a book should reflect this. Least that's what I think, though . . . I could be wrong.

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I have only described and discussed things I observe and thoughts that occur as I see them, I mean no offence but welcome other points of view or opinions.
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Water in a river changes constantly.

Water in a river changes constantly.